Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Project 6: sytrus

This Project, project 6 was about making your own synth sounds in order to create your own loop. After making 2 of my own synth sounds I put them both into the piano roll and pulled up the riff machine. I found two different loops for my synth sounds in the riff machine, and added them inot my playlist. I worked wit ha fpc drum loop and also a bass line to fit my synth sound. Overall I didnt want my loop to sound clustered so I kept my loop simple and catchy.

Friday, December 11, 2009

December 10, 2009

Today I worked on project 6 using the ghost channel, which helped me put my bass into my loop because I had trouble finding a loud and strong enough bass. I added more drums also

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

December 8, 2009

today I worked on My project 6 and put a drum loop along with my riff machine, I didnt get so far but next class it will be a work in progess

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Project 5. Vocodex

Working on this project was fun because we got to play around with a recorded voice and make it sound a lot different than the original.This project wasn't any harder than the rest because the only thing I did different was put in a voice into my loop. working with loops now though is a lot easier and I use the previous things we learned and I know more about where I can change everything in my loop and also change it up so its not as boring. Overall in this piece I used a lot of high hats and also added bass. I used the new riff machine to add bass into my loop, which is a lot easier than guessing what will sound good. I also added things like a kick and snap that repeats throughout the loop too. The voice that I added was German voice reading poetry that now sounds more like an alien, haha. So that pretty much sums up my Project 5.

Monday, November 16, 2009

November 16, 2009.

I'm finishing up my vocodex project, I added a couple more sounds today like a new symbol and also using the riff machine on bass added some bass to the loop too. I fixed some of the akward sounding sounds as well and im almost finish with it.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

November 10, 2009.

Today I worked on project 5 using the vocoder. I found my sound last class and today worked on a loop around it. Using FPC and a "plunk" sound it was called. the german speaking sound was put into the loop with snaps and also a kick drum. I like where my loops going.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Project 4. Automation

The first thing I did when starting this project was to find a simple, but at the same time very cool sounding drum loop. I did, and then started fooling around with the pad vector and wrote an interesting sequence to it. When I added the pad vector to the loop I decided I wanted another rock drum loop to complete it. I used those three loops to create 8 measures and at the end added another pad to make it sounds slow and to end the piece.

Project 3. FX

Project 3. Was the first project that challenged me in finding the right sounds, notes, and loops. Adding FPC to this loop was easy, I found a simple rock drum loop, and started getting challenged when I found more than one guitar sounds that I liked. Adding them into one loop was difficult but I fit them well into the beginning and sort of as a fill in some parts. Overall my project has tons of guitar sounds, and that's what I liked about it.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Project 2. The chop tool,FPC, and transpose function

Project two was really cool I thought because you got to add guitar to your loop which I really wanted to do. Useing the chop tool made the loop sound cooler by switching up the beat with the guitar itself, and the fpc had really catchy drum loops too. I started off with a simple drum loop then added different sounding guitars to the mix. I came out with a hip/rock sound which i liked.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Drum Loop Project One.

This is my first project for music tech, a three part drum loop. Working on this piece wasn't very hard to do because there was a lot of different loops and fills to chose from, but then again it was hard because you needed to find the right drum sound that fit one another. I wanted to have a more rock sounding drum loop but in the end it sounded like hip hop. I wasn't inspired really for a certain sound, just something that sounded catchy. All three parts of the loop have the same symbol on every beat with a few other drum sounds between them, and the fills have a different symbol but have the same idea in getting louder to softer or softer to louder. Yeah well here it is.